About the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim

About the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim

A Traditional Kingdom in the Western North Region


  • The kingdom goes back in history to ancient times of Ghana.
  • The kingdom covers an area of 2,695 square miles crossed by the Tano and Bia rivers. That is approximately the size of the states of Delaware and Rhode Island combined.
  • The total population at the last census was 572,020.
  • There are five major towns including the capital of Sefwi Wiawso, home of the King’s Palace.
  • There are two colleges in the kingdom:
    • Wiawso College of Education
    • Asafo Health Care College
  • English and Akan Twi are the languages.
  • Sefwi is the agricultural powerhouse of Ghana and the area is known for export of cocoa, cassava and other agricultural products.
  • It is also home to natural resources such as gold, bauxite and timber.
  • With cocoa farming as a main occupation of the people, Sefwi produces two thirds of Ghana’s cocoa.
  • The Sefwi land is great for investment and development given that is blessed with almost all the natural resources of Ghana.

The Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim has a natural forest reserve with all kinds of animal species and wonderful unique weather conditions. We are the perfect place to go on camera safari in West Africa. There are numerous tourism possibilities besides safaris including many ancestral sites and our famous Yam Festival (Alluolue), held in November. We have the Tree of God (Nyame Dua), the Ancestral Hole (which has healing powers and the Abombirim Sacred Tortoise Forest. We welcome you to visit our beautiful land and help us to develop the land, build schools and clinics, increase tourism and meet our friendly Sefwi people.

The Chief

Making a King in the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim
Chiefs are selected from the royal family. Those who select the chief are the kingmakers.

In the southern part of Ghana, especially among the Akan, the queen mother nominates the candidate. This nomination must be approved by the kingmakers. The kingmakers therefore determine who is to be the chief. After the approval by the kingmakers, the elected candidate is introduced to the community. He is carried shoulder high through the main streets of the town.

The chief-elect is kept in a room for some time before he is outdoored. During this period of confinement, he is taught the history, tradition, customs, and practices of his people. He is also cleansed spiritually for his new role.

On the day of enstoolment, the chief-elect is beautifully dressed and carried in a palanquin through the main streets of the town. After this he swears the oath of allegiance to his people. His sub-chiefs in turn swear to him, on behalf of the people. After this, he is taken to the stool room where he is made to ‘sit’ on the stool three times. He then chooses a stool name for himself.

On the 24 June 2024, by act of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditonal Council, and conferred by the Repulic of Ghana's national House of Chiefs, the Stool of Sefwi Obeng-Mim was rasied to the status of a Divisional Cheiftancy. All future Mimhene will be Divisional Chiefs of the Sefwi Wiaeso Traditional Area, overseers of other local chieftancies on behalf of HM the Omanhene, or Paramount Chief.

Sub Chiefs

Okyeamehene Yaw Obeng in the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim
Okyeamehene Yaw Obeng
Abakomahene Osei Yaw Akoto in the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim
Abakomahene Osei Yaw Akoto
Kontihene Nana Kwame Awurah in the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim
Kontihene Nana Kwame Awurah