Official Statements from Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim

Recognitions of the Royal House

2020 The Augustan Society recognized the Royal Orders of the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim as dynastic orders of chivalry.

2024 The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Accra, Ghana. Ref. N.oNSGS:383. VUL 105/SH. Date. 0 7-0 3-2024. This is to confirm that Oheneba Nana Kwame Obeng II (privately known as Ofosuhene Dacosta) is the Chief of Sefwi Obeng-Mim, Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area, Western North Region, Republic of Ghana. Under the Chieftaincy Act, Nana as a Divisional Chief has the power to confer traditional and customary titles as authorized by the Paramount Chief of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area to facilitate the development of communities within Sefwi Obeng-Mim. SAMUEL YEBOAH-MENKAH HEAD OF THE CHIEFTAINCY DIRECTORATE

Official Royal Warrants and Appointments

RW Anotonio Salmeeon Cabanas is an official Heraldric Artist of the Royal Orders. Est 3 Nov 2019.

RW Carl Lemke as the Official Jeweler of the Royal Orders. Est 3 Nov 2019.

RW The Heraldry Society of Africa. Est. 6 September 2020.

RW The 24th Baron of Auchterhouse (Scotland). Est. 25 September 2020

Chancellery Appointments

  • H.E. Max Alexander Singer-Karwat, KG as Royal Herald, 1 Sept 2021.
  • H.E. Mark Murawski, KGOG, Baron of Auchterhouse (Scot) as Africa Herald of Arms Extraordinary, 07 Dec 2020.
  • H.E. Guye Pennington, KGOG, 1st Duc Pennington of Rwanda as Nkaedum Herald of Arms Extraordinary, 15 July 2021-1 Aug 2023.
  • Special Envoy Philip Edward Leo Africa Bonn, Cav. OSSML, ADC, MA (Cantab) FRSA, Adviser in Education, Health, and Environment, 4 Feb 2025 (renewable).


The Asafo of the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim Appointments

In the Service to the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim and paramountly to H.M. the Omanhene of Sefwi Wiawso, Katakyie Kwasi Bumagama II.
H.R.H. Oheneba Nana Kwame Obeng II of House Sefwi Obeng-Mim, Divisional Cheif of Sefwi Wiawso
CHIEFTAINCIES (Enstooled and Honorary)
  • OBEHEMAA (Queen Mother of Development): H.H. Obehemaa Nana Akua Kraa II
  • NKOSUOHENE (International Divisional Chief of Development): H.H. Nkosuahene Nana Kofi Ntori II
  • SOMPAHENE (“Good Servant” and Chief for Socioeconomics and Development): Sompahene (Hon) Rev Mark Arbeen
  • SOMPAHEMAA (International Queen of Good Services): Sompahemaa (Hon) Dr Sermanhyia Carmen Yuk Ling Pang
  • MMERANTEHENE (International Chief of Youth): Mmerantehene (Hon) Dr Barima William Wai Tsun Poon
  • ADONTEHENE (International Chancellor General & Chief of Arms): Adontehene (Hon) Revd Dr Christian D. Boyd
  • NKYIDOMHENE (Deputy Grand Chancellor): Knyidomhene (Hon) Katakyie Robert Kakalia
  • ASAFOHENE PANYIN (General of the Asafohene): Asafohene Panyin (Hon) Rev Kenneth W. Parris
ASAFAHENE (Regional Honorary Sub-Chiefs of the Asafo divisions)
  • Asafohene Dr. Prof. Daniel Jesús García Riol, Spain
  • Asafohene Toivo Juhani Hujanen, Finland
  • Asafohene Revd Dr Yannick Beuvelet, France
  • Asafohene Nwakasi Belisle-Nweke, England, Wales, N. Ireland
  • Asafohene Somafo Philip Edward Leo Africa Bonn, Scotland
  • Asafohene Andrea Moretti, Italy
  • Asafohene Robert Kakalia, Oceania
  • Asafohene Rev Mark Arbeen, Americas
  • Asafohene Dr. Lewis Tei Luk, Asia
AWMFO (Watchmen/Commanders)
  • HE Commander Ese Okotie of Nigeria (Asafo Africa)
  • HE Commander Pedro Casillas-Capetillo of Mexico, (Asafo of Americas)

Royal Statements

31 July 2023

The Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim is not against having friendship agreements with other recognized and established local or international Royal houses of confraternities. However, We believe friendship agreements should not just be an exchange of certificates and medals. We do not need medals to devote our clothes. Friendship agreements should have an impact on our communities and the people. For any House who desires to have an active and mutually beneficial friendship with us, our doors are widely open.
We make friendship agreements with purpose and for the common good of people. We do not sell honors or titles, and we do not enter agreements so another is “recognized” as a noble or Royal house.

HRH Oheneba Nana Kwame Obeng II

7 April 2022

To all and singular to whom these presents shall come,

On behalf of His Royal Highness Oheneba Nana Kwame Obeng II, Chief and Head of the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim, Divisional Chief of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area, and on behalf of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council and the Paramount King, the Omanhene, His Majesty Katakyie Kwasi Bumagama II, peace and blessings to You.

H.R.H. Obeng II and H.M. Bumagama II on this day commission H.E. Cav. Gr. Cr. Philip Edward Leo Africa Bonn, Cav. OSSML, ADC, MA (Cantab) FRSA, Freeman of the City of London, and a United Nations IGO Special Envoy, to be the personal delegate of these Royal Houses and sovereign chiefs of Ghana for the purpose of advancing the development initiatives, projects, and programs in the stool lands under their care, particularly in five key areas: Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Agriculture, and Infrastructure.

Furthermore, H.R.H. and H.M. encourage H.E. Bonn to lead visits to the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area, meet with H.M. Katakyie Kwasi Bumagama II, and visit the Obeng-Mim stool lands. The Sefwi Wiawso stool lands include the Ghanaian national forest containing the sacred Tree of God (Nyame Dua) and the Ancestral Hole of the Aduana people (of which the Sefwi are part). H.R.H Obeng II looks forward to hosting people at the Royal Guest House in Wiawso, as well as introducing people to the cocoa farmers and groves. The people are eager to share their joys and concerns, especially in light of world economics, climate change, food insecurity, and the role of Africa and Ghana in these global issues.

Rev'd Dr. Christian D Boyd, BtGCO, GCFD
Chancellor General and Chief of Arms, Sefwi Obeng-Mim
Chancellor General for Foreign Affairs, The Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council

27 April 2021

Disavowing of Website, and Misuse/Defamation of Name and Image

The Royal House of Sefwi Obeng Mim, the Traditional Council, and H.M. Oheneba Nana Kwame Obeng II disavow any connection, support, or forms of a treaty with the website and group, as well as individuals and leaders thereof, presenting as Nazione Templare/Nation Templière (

Furthermore, see the 26 September 2020 Statement below

26 September 2020

On Use of the Royal Name, Likeness, and Images Related to the Royal House and Obeng II:

Whereas, the Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim does have in place recognition & friendship agreements with other Royal Houses, such as with H.M. the Omukama (King) of the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara (Uganda);

Whereas, H.M. Obeng II is a patron of organizations and societies by Royal Warrant, or through aforementioned public recognition & friendship agreements with other Royal Houses, which are announced on the Royal House Website and the official social media channels;

Whereas, although "Constitutionally Recognized Traditional Kingdom,” H.M. and the Royal House are still guided by the customs of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council and the Republic of Ghana overall;

Whereas, the Royal House has realized numerous ways of internet exploitation, and the bombardment of questionable international relations being forged, such as claims of patronage by H.M. to various orders and organizations;

Therefore, let it be known: unless there is a signed Memorandum of Understanding between H.M. Obeng II, or his officially named agent, with any organization or persons, the name “Oheneba Nana Kwame Obeng II,” “Obeng II,” “Royal House of Sefwi Obeng-Mim,” “Sefwi Obeng-Mim,” “Royal Order of the Golden Fire Dog,” “Order of the Golden Fire Dog,” Royal Order of Obeng II,” “Order of Obeng II,” “Oheneba Foundation,” H.M.’s portrait, photographs, pictures, and other graphic depictions of H.M., the Royal House Coat of Arms, the Oheneba Foundation logo, the image, voice, signature, and likeness of H.M., photographs, pictures, and other graphic depictions of the Royal Orders’ symbols, jewels, logos, coats of arms, and any other proprietary personal indicia reasonably identifiable with H.M. and the traditional Sefwi Obeng-Mim stool lands under the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Area in the Western North Region of Ghana are prohibited for use or publication.

13 May 2019

On Friendship Agreements:

The Royal House of Sefwi Obeng Mim does have in place recognition & friendship agreements with other Royal Houses. The Royal House will not cancel these due to issues between some Royal Houses not 'recognizing' Royal Houses with whom we are friends. However, as per "Traditional Akan Royal Custom (Protocol)", the recognition and friendship agreements DO NOT reflect an official treatise amongst Royal Houses or Kingdoms; being only inaugurated through Official (Face-to-Face) Royal visit.

We have realized numerous ways of internet exploitation, and the bombardment of questionable international relations being forged. Although we are a "Constitutionally Recognized Traditional Kingdom", we are still guided by the customs of the Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council and the Republic of Ghana overall.

The Royal Order of the Golden Fire Dog:

The Royal Order of the Golden Fire Dog is an ancillary benevolent organization, being a distinct honor, that is bestowed upon deserving persons globally at the discretion of the Supreme Grand Council and the pleasure of its Supreme Grand Master, et al. Such as this, no "Rank" of honor can be purchased. Any honor that can be so purchased means nothing. Many interested parties appear before us, seeking means to nobility, and for this, we must deny entrance. We will never sell our Order but will reward deserving individuals at the pleasure of His Majesty.

The Royal Order of the Golden Fire Dog is such for benevolence to the peoples of the Sefwi Obeng Mim Traditional Kingdom first, and secondly, to those of deserving need worldwide.

The current process of selection is by nomination, being that admission is based on merit; with vetting of past demonstrable charitable work, occupational achievement, and educational background. University degrees from the United States and abroad must be from a duly authorized accrediting organization. A passage fee is sometimes required of a successful applicant, consistent with passage fees in many Orders, including some Orders by currently reigning sovereigns. Applicants with financial capacity but without demonstrable merit that meets admission criteria have been and will continue to be denied admission.

We truly respect others to whom respect is deserved, however, please do not make this the choice to seek nomination based on personal desires or gain of recognition. True benevolence and selflessness are the basis for all actions upon which we embark. We respect you, and in return, we ask for your respect for our choices.

God bless Africa,
God bless our homeland Ghana,
God Bless the Royal house of Sefwi Obeng Mim and Her people,
God Bless those who are our friends.
God Bless Us ALL!